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Author Archives: Daniel E DAngelo Esq

Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication

By Daniel E DAngelo Esq on February 5, 2014

After both real-world and controlled testing, the United States Department of Transportation and NHTSA announced on Monday, February 3, 2014, that they will move forward with proposed regulations to require future light automobiles to be equipped with vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication […] …read more

According to the FDA a Dietary Supplement Cannot Treat a Concussion or TBI

By Daniel E DAngelo Esq on January 3, 2014

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently issued a Consumer Update on its website to alert consumers about dietary supplements that claim to prevent, decrease the severity, or speed the healing of concussions or traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). According to […] …read more

Why Accident Victims May Want to Remain Silent

By Daniel E DAngelo Esq on December 31, 2013

Most know about the constitutional right to remain silent when accused of a crime. Although a claim for bodily injuries and other damages as a result of car accident is a civil tort and not a crime, and the insurance […] …read more