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The Colorado Supreme Court Abolishes The Sudden Emergency Doctrine

By Daniel E DAngelo Esq on January 22, 2013

The Colorado Supreme Court released today, its opinion in Bedor v. Johnson, No. 10SC65, abolishing the Sudden Emergency Doctrine from Colorado law. What was the Sudden Emergency Doctrine? The now former Sudden Emergency Doctrine was a defense sometimes asserted  in […] …read more

Auto insurance companies using social media to investigate claims

By Daniel E DAngelo Esq on December 5, 2012

Millions of people use the internet and social media like Facebook on a daily basis to communicate by posting comments and photographs about their lives.  Surprisingly, many people still underestimate their privacy on the internet, social media, and other digital […] …read more

Case Results

By Daniel E DAngelo Esq on October 8, 2012

The following are some noteworthy results the D’Angelo Law Office has fought for and won for its clients. The D’Angelo Law Office, P.C. works zealously for every client, regardless of the size or severity of their injuries. Case results depend […] …read more