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Moving Towards Zero Deaths

By Daniel E DAngelo Esq on August 11, 2015


The number of people we lost in fatal car accidents in Colorado in 2014.


The only acceptable number of car accident fatalities in Colorado.

Colorado has long been on the forefront of the battle to reduce the number of traffic collision-related fatalities nationwide. From 2002 to 2012, these types of fatalities were reduced by 36% in the state. This is even more remarkable when you consider the population growth Colorado saw during these years. In recent years however, the decline has stagnated. We’ve seen it stay the same or even rise slightly in the past 2 years. For this reason, the Strategic Highway Safety Plan (SHSP) was developed to push Colorado “Towards Zero Deaths.”

To the State of Colorado, Towards Zero Deaths is more than a catchy phrase to try and help drivers commit to safety – it is a true and sincere goal to keep people safe when they are on Colorado roadways. The SHSP has identified eight key areas to help improve Colorado’s goal of Moving Towards Zero Deaths:

  • Aging Road Users;
  • Bicyclists and Pedestrians;
  • Data;
  • Impaired Driving;
  • Infrastructure – Rural and Urban;
  • Motorcyclists;
  • Occupant Protection;
  • Young Drivers (15-20);
  • Distracted Driving Task Force (created due to the lack of data on distracted driving)

These key areas will have resources dedicated explicitly to them, but this doesn’t mean areas outside of these eight will be ignored. The goal is simply to focus primary attention on areas that can have the greatest impact on crash reduction. For example, from 2008 to Moving Toward Zero Deaths Logo2012, fatalities among bicyclists in Colorado were up 3.5% over the previous 5-year period (2003 to 2007). Serious injuries went up even more. Likewise, fatal accidents involving aging drivers increased over the same period. The ubiquitous hand held smart phone is to blame for the rapidly increasing need for a Distracted Driving Task Force. It seems like everyone is looking down at their phones every chance they get, while walking and driving. By now, everyone on the road has seen someone else driving while texting or doing something else with their phone that is clearly distracting them from focusing on the road. Distracted Driving would be my number one problem area to address.

Action plans for all of the areas of emphasis are explained in an SHSP Implementation Plan, and are carried out by area teams. Zero Deaths is an aggressive goal, and it’s going to require a great deal of work to achieve. By 2019, the goal is to cut fatalities from 488 to 416.

Implementation – How will it work?

The SHSP’s goal of Moving Towards Zero Deaths is ambitious and will require extensive attention. Well-thought out and well-planned execution will be critical to the program’s success. So what’s the plan to ensure that it happens? The following is taken directly from the “Colorado Strategic Highway Safety Plan,” which can found by clicking the link:

“The Executive and Steering Committees, comprised of key safety stakeholders, will oversee and supervise the SHSP implementation and evaluation process by doing the following:

  • Tracking implementation progress in each of the emphasis areas;
  • Identifying barriers or problems to implementation;
  • Providing regular updates on SHSP-related campaigns, training, or other programs;
  • Providing guidance on future programs, activities, etc.;
  • Determining the need and design of future SHSP updates; and
  • Working with the Statewide Traffic Records Advisory Committee (STRAC) on data improvements.

Emphasis area teams also will meet regularly to:

  • Develop emphasis area performance targets;
  • Discuss action step implementation progress and coordinate next steps;
  • Identify problems or barriers and report to the Steering Committee;
  • Modify action steps as required; and
  • Continually track and report progress.”

As you can see, the plan for oversight and follow through is rather extensive.

But how does it affect us?

Colorado’s new SHSP with the goal of Moving Toward Zero Deaths needs to be in the mind of every driver, cyclist, and pedestrian on Colorado roadways. When you’re using the roadways, it’s imperative that you are alert, attentive, and judicious. Being a safe driver, alert cyclist or motorcyclist, or a vigilant pedestrian will help Colorado achieve its ultimate goal. Beyond that however, it might help you or your family, even by saving lives.

As Colorado moves towards its goal of zero deaths, there are still going to be car collisions. If you or a loved one is injured in a car accident, you do not have to face the insurance companies alone. The D’Angelo Law Office is dedicated to helping car collisions victims. We know the importance of restoring your life to the way it was before you suffered physical and emotional injuries and other losses due to someone else’s carelessness. We do this by advocating for your rights, whether it be the other driver’s car insurance, your car insurance, or any other parties who may have a legal interest in your claim, so you may focus on getting better and back to normal.